Friday 29 March 2013

Motivation, or I really dont feel like doing any of this crap.

Go out running in that? I dont even want to go to my car and drive to the gym!

So last week I got up to go to the gym.  I was having a bad day.  When I got to the gym I was in a bad mood.  Every guy there was bigger lifting way more weight; I caught myself in the mirror and thought, “I hate my body.”  I am just wasting my time here.  I could only think of my faults that day.  So here is the dirty secret that a lot of trainers don’t tell clients.  I have those days, I can be very insecure, and I am not always in the f’n mood for this crap!

Here is what I do.

  1. Just start, give yourself permission to quit after you start.  I say, I will just do my arms and if I feel like it, I will do the rest of the routine.  After I get started, pressing on works and I feel better by the end!
  2. Know not every workout is great.  Sometimes, you just have a weak or slow day, but getting through your workout at a lower weight, slower speed or only doing half the routine is better than nothing and will help you establish the healthy habit
  3. Do something else active and fun.  Go for a trail run, take a zumba class, punch your mattress. 
  4. Get in the habit of reducing your excuses.  Pack your gym bag and have everything ready to go.  Have Reduce the number of steps it takes for you to get out and moving.
  5. Plan to fail.  Sounds bad.  But build back up plans in your schedule.  As an example, I know I want to run today, but the snow might be too bad, so I have a leg circuit that I can do at home with just body weight.  I got in the habit of working out around 1200, but  that might not work tomorrow, so I am planning to sneak away around 6, see how that works.  I might have to skip Friday, so I look for time on Thursday.
  6. Getting off track does not equal failure.   Don’t have all or nothing thinking.  If you miss a day, don’t wait till next week to get back on track.  Get used to making little course adjustments.  If you are driving somewhere and you start going in the wrong direction, you just try to get back on track, you don’t go all the way back home and start over.  Let the little hiccups pass over you and press on!
  7. Have some fun!  You will stick with things better if you have fun.  Take some music with you, find a supportive friend (or a really cool personal trainer), switch things up, play some games, try to have some laughs.

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