Friday 29 March 2013

I don’t have time for your bulls#*t, or finding time to workout, or motivation part duex.

always good to keep a dumbbell next to the sink when you are doing the dishes.

I don’t know anyone who is not busy; some are just way busier than others.  Here are some tips I use to squeeze in activity.

  1. Time that you rest between sets can be filled.  I workout at home sometimes because I don’t have time to go to the gym.  So, the 60-90 seconds I rest between sets, I will put a load of laundry in the machine, gather the recycling, add to the grocery list, or wash a dish or two.  I have some small tasks that I can do between sets, so by the time I am done with my weight training; I have also done some small chores.  I kinda run around the apartment and make my wife nuts though….

  1. Sometimes I like to just watch TV or read to chill out.  But, taking a lesson from my ballet friends, you can stretch while you are doing this.  I remember seeing dancers doing homework or even having a quick bite to eat in the splits.  The idea is, if you are ever being just still, might as well stretch.  So I have a couple of stretches I know I can do wile watching a movie or reading.  This has the added benefit of relaxing you too, so watching a little TV in the alligator pose before you go to bed is nice. 

Relaxing, stretching and reading Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

Do you like to watch sports?  I feel guilty watching athletes in their prime competing while sitting on my butt.  So how about doing some squats or curls, or getting on the treadmill during the game?

  1. If you need to think about something, think about it during a set.  So before you send off that e-mail, do 15 curls and think about it.  You will collect your thoughts, and if you are emotionally charged about the e-mail, you might calm down a bit and send something more measured. 

  1. Don’t wait.  RUN!  My wife gets a shower, and then I have to wait for more hot water before I can get a shower and do the dishes…. Time to run around the block.  Then I will really need that shower!

Easier said than done I know, but over the years, I have squeezed in a handful of workouts this way.  Even if you can’t get your full workout in, anything is better than giving up and doing nothing.

A little quad stretch and some star trek

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