Saturday, 25 May 2013

Is Yoda the Best Personal Trainer Ever?

What Yoda teaches us about training?  I am more of a Star Trek fan, but that is for a different conversation.  Lucus basically ripped off a lot of eastern philosophy at a sophomore level and used Yoda as a device to communicate them… well that is another conversation as well.   But when Yoda trains Luke, he has some good points.

“Size matters not, … Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?”
 This goes both ways.  First, if your size is “too big,” this is not an accurate judgment of your fitness.  Your goals are more important.  Judging your fitness on size alone does not give you an accurate representation of your strength, cardio capacity or general health.  A personal trainer does not judge you just by your size.

On the other hand, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum.  It is so difficult being a smaller framed guy and going to the gym full of huge guys benching 300lbs.  But I remind myself that for my frame, I am still remarkably strong and can accomplish things that much larger people cannot.  Many women are the same, small sized, but with great strength.

“Control, control, you must learn control!”  Strength is nothing without control.  Your mind controls your body.  Don’t just exercise to lose weight or get stronger, work out to control your body.  I do balance and agility exercise with weights.  I attempt to balance strength and control.

“Grave danger you are in. Impatient you are.”  It is dangerous to approach your fitness goals with impatience.  Not only could you injure yourself, but also you could also peak too soon and then burn out.  Patience has immediate rewards.  Let your work become habit.  Let the path be its own reward.  Your body with benefit by and by and you will discover new things about yourself.

“Much to learn you still have.”  I have received a personal training certification, but I realized I don’t know everything.  I will always be learning.  I learn form friends, clients and other trainers.  Always be open to learning just be safe about it.  I attempt to adopt what is positive and ignore other information.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”  Don’t let fear talk you out of doing something.  I started taking a zumba class now and again.  I am horrible in the class.  But I am not afraid of what people think.  I am getting a good workout and having a good time.  So what if I am the only guy in the class?  Do something you are afraid to do, you wont be angry with yourself for letting opportunities pass you up. Do something different.  Don’t be afraid of failure.  You learn a lot by failing.

“Do or do not, there is no try.”  Well this may be a little too black and white.  I might not be able to bench the X-wing, but I can start a journey towards a goal.  Don’t talk yourself out of things.  With the right attitude you will be surprised what you can accomplish.  DO things.  Even if you fail. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Killer Bosu, Dumbbell, Kettlebell High Intensity Interval Workout.

I found this great workout on Zenest Fitness facebook page.

I thought about it and decided to modify things and make a High Intensity Interval routine.

I will post instructions on the form of all of these exercises later, and maybe even a video.

Friday, 10 May 2013

I am sick, should I go to the gym?

I don’t know what is going on this week.  I was in Halifax last week working on a couple of shows, then came back home to work on another show and teach some first aid classes.  I probably was getting a little less sleep, and food, and maybe the change in the weather is getting to me.  At any rate, I have a stuffy nose.  My nose is only for decoration at the moment, I cannot really use it to breathe.   But I have not gone to the gym in almost a week(!)  Should I tough it and kick my own butt?

Well Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. is quoted:

“Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a garden-variety cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion. “

Ok, so a receded intensity workout may help me feel a little bit better and not kill me.  If I had a fever or anything more serious, I am just asking for trouble.  This would also be a bad time to try my new killer workout or reach a new bench-press max.

If I had a fever,could I still workout?  Can I ‘burn off’ my fever?  Swimsuit season is right around the corner, I need to work out as much as I can.  What is the worst that can happen?  Dr. Lewis G Maharam says:
“if you're running a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3degrees Celsius) or higher, skip it. If fever gets too high, you break down proteins, maybe in the kidneys or liver (Reuters 2013)"   Ok, that sounds bad. Dr. David C. Nieman quoted in the same article: "If you have flu or virus with fever and pain, the best remedy is bed rest. The worst thing is to sweat it out with exercise. (Reuter 2013)"

Summarizing the Men’s Health and Body Building .com’s articles:

I can workout if at MODERATE to LOW intensity:
Clogged, runny or sneezey nose, mild scratchy throat.

I should NOT workout at all if:
I have any fever, cough, muscle soreness, or stomach issues.  In fact, bed rest would be best.

So what does this all mean?
Keep in mind, when you are ill, you body is spending resources to make you well again. When you have a good workout, you do minor damage to muscle fibers in order to achieve “hyper-compensation.”   Your body responds to stress of exercise by attempting to make you stronger than you were before to deal with even more exercise.  So attempting to trigger hyper-compensation while already taxed with an illness can be dangerous and counter productive.  That being said, if you are just a bit sniffled, LIGHT physical activity may help relieve some symptoms, give you a more positive attitude and keep you on track with your physical goals. 

So what am I going to do?  Well I just have a stuffy nose that can be cleared up temporarily with some nasal spray. Nothing else really hurts. But I should still take care of myself no matter how buff I want to look.  So I am going to stay at home, do some nice YOGA stretches.  If I feel up to it, I may do some free weights, but lower than my usual 10 rep 3 set weight.  So today, I will focus on my workout being restorative, not a boot camp beat down.