I had the pleasure of hearing Ms. Forest speak at a conference about her Forrest Walkabout project. I was interested in her story and inspired to talk about the simplest form of physical activity; walking! Some of my clients are interested in more intense workouts, but I can tell you, an up hill power walk gets my heart rate up to the same level as a jog, but with less impact. I e-mailed Ms. Forest to find out more about how walking improves the mind, body and spirit.
Emily Forrest is a local performer, foodie, and long distance walker. Emily acted professionally on stage for a number of years in the Maritimes and had several of her plays produced before she got the travel bug. She is an outspoken advocate for a daily walking lifestyle and exploring new places on foot. In 2004 she walked the 1000 km perimeter of Prince Edward Island, and in 2010 she completed a 3000 km trek of the Nova Scotia coastline to promote the Heart and Stoke Foundation’s Walkabout program.
AA: Briefly describe your Forrest Walkabout project and it’s meaning to you.
EF: My Forrest Walkabout was the fulfillment of a dream which came to me without much reason and gave me a great amount of joy and a sense of accomplishment and helped encourage other people to get out and walk for the joy and the health of it and to celebrate and explore their own communities and their province.
AA: What attracted you to the idea of your walkabout?
EF: Being on the ocean for 8 hours a day and just moving and taking it all in and covering that distance - that's what appealed to me. I love mapping and planning large walks/projects. I loved it when I met and walked with people and I loved it when I was alone and pondering life and listening to music. I loved the rhythm and I loved being outdoors.
AA: Did you do any training or preparation for you walking?
EF: I trained by walking two eight hour walks per week for six weeks before I left. It helped build my stamina, but getting on the road and walking for my first 15 days with no days off is what created the blisters. But they healed.
AA: Did you find your diet changing during your walkabouts?
EF: I learned the importance of protein for energy. I realized that I couldn't go for more than two hours without something, even if it was just a bite. If I didn't take care, I would get to a state where I felt like I was asleep on my feet or very grumpy - those moods were diet-related.
AA: To close part one, here is the response that inspires me the most.
EF: I believe our bodies were made to walk long distances - it is proven that it is the exercise which causes the least amount of stress on your body. I believe one should endeavor to accomplish the goal which appeals to them, and not someone else's goal, and then it will be truly rewarding.
So enough reading for now, go out side and go for a walk!